While many people are negatively affected by the reduction in daylight—making them feel gloomy—as much as 3% of the population has seasonal affective disorder.
SAD is more than just what people refer to as the “winter blues”. Those who have it find it difficult to function when it rears its head.
Canadian Mental Health Association has this to say about the disorder:
“SAD can be a debilitating condition, preventing sufferers from functioning normally. It may affect their personal and professional lives, and seriously limit their potential. It is important to learn about the symptoms, and to know that there is treatment to help people with SAD live a productive life year-round.”
So, how can you treat seasonal affective disorder? Well, if you have serious symptoms, you should contact a mental health provider to see what options are available to you, including counselling and cognitive behavioural therapy. If you have mild symptoms, there are 6 natural solutions that may alleviate those symptoms.
1. Increase sunlight exposure
Exposure to more sunlight in mild cases through spending more time outside and letting more light into your home—especially where you sit and work—can help.
2. Exercise
Like other mood disorders, exercise can also help you cope with seasonal affective disorder by relieving stress, building energy levels, and improving physical well-being.
3. Improve your diet
Eating a proper diet of whole, fresh foods ensures your body has the proper nutrition to create the necessary neurotransmitters for improving mood, which can help alleviate seasonal affective disorder symptoms.
4. Take a supplement
Using high-quality, broad-spectrum nutritional supplements, like Truehope EMPowerpus, can also help your body have these needed nutrients.
5. Sleep
Getting enough rest can help reduce stress and can prepare you with the energy you need to cope through the day. Get to bed early enough to ensure you receive the rest you need. Don’t forget to reduce electronic screen time before bed and to remove distracting lights from your room while sleeping.
6. Try light therapy
Some people with seasonal affective disorder respond well to light therapy, which involves sitting beside a fluorescent lightbox for several minutes each day. Consult a health care professional before beginning light therapy.