Changing from a medication-centric treatment program to a micronutrient-centric one for mental wellness can be intimidating for some people. Here are a few tricks that may hopefully make your transition easier.
1. Take capsules or powder with food
This practice allows the stomach to adjust to mineral intake and will decrease potential nausea as it closely simulates the release of nutrients from your food. If you experience nausea, try immediately eating 3–4 soda crackers. If the crackers fail, lower your dosage/day and work up to a higher intake gradually.
2. Separate dosages throughout the day
This will ensure a consistent, constant nutrient supply for your body rather than a burst of nutrients once per day.
3. Limit individual doses to a maximum of 3 capsules or 1/2 scoop
Be consistent every day with your dosages, and don’t take too much at once. Taking more than 3 capsules at one time will waste nutrients because absorption sites become flooded and excess minerals will pass through the digestive track unabsorbed.
4. Don’t take EMPowerplus after 18:00
EMPowerplus contains vitamin B12, which can increase energy in some people. As a result, we suggest taking your daily dosage before 18:00 each day to avoid negatively affecting sleep patterns.
5. Refer to the “Planning for Success” Participant Support booklet
This will provide more detail and suggestions for ensuring a successful transition to EMPowerplus.
Have you been a Truehope participant for a while? Share your own tips in the comments below.