4 questions comparing EMPowerplus to psychiatric drugs

People who are new to Truehope and EMPowerplus often ask questions that compare EMPowerplus to conventional psychiatric drugs. This is natural. After all, many people with mood disorders have plenty of experience with medication.

Here are 4 questions we are often asked related to EMPowerplus and psychiatric drugs:

1. How does EMPowerplus compare to psychiatric drugs?

Psychiatric drugs work by counteracting the symptoms of mental disorders. EMPowerplus works by allowing the brain itself to fix the cause of the symptoms.

2. Does EMPowerplus have any side effects?

In contrast to psychiatric drugs, EMPowerplus generally produces no side effects other than minor, temporary gastrointestinal upset in a few people. Taking EMPowerplus with food usually eliminates this problem.

3. But I know someone who had horrible side effects while taking EMPowerplus.

Your friend may have been experiencing withdrawal symptoms from reducing medication. This is common. EMPowerplus is not a drug. It won’t kill the pain of your withdrawal symptoms. But underneath the withdrawal, it will work with your body to gradually undo the underlying issues. When the withdrawal symptoms end, you’ll be able to experience what EMPowerplus has been doing all along: giving you a normally functioning brain.

4. Are the levels of nutrients in EMPowerplus safe?

Yes. Based on guidelines for safe levels of vitamins and minerals (Dietary Reference Intakes) and published EMPowerplus research, the most serious risk of taking EMPowerplus is temporary gastrointestinal upset that could occur in a few people.