Periods when you are feeling blue or sad are just part of life, and usually last a couple of days.
Depression, on the other hand, lasts for longer periods, can interfere with daily life routines, and can adversely affect relationships in various ways, including:
- Emotions which are constantly sad or “empty”
- Hopeless or pessimistic feelings
- A belief that one is guilty, worthless, or helpless
- They may be irritable or restless
- Disinterest in activities, hobbies or sex
- Fatigue, insomnia and diminished energy
- Difficulty focusing, recalling details and decision-making
- Changes in appetite
- Suicidal thoughts or attempts
- Various persistent physical problems (aches/pains/problems)
While there are several variations of depression, here are 3 of the most common:
1. Major depressive disorder
Also called major depression or clinical depression, it inhibits your ability to—or decrease your interest in—conducting regular life activities (like working, sleeping, studying, and eating). It can last all day, for nearly every day, for two weeks or longer.
2. Chronic depression
Major depression with a duration of at least 2 years.
3. Persistent depressive disorder
Also called PDD, dysthymic disorder, or dysthymia, its symptoms are less severe than major depression, but like chronic depression, these symptoms last for at least two years.
If you think you have depression, talk to your doctor about your symptoms. Then see a mental health specialist for treatment.
You can get relief from depression. In fact, many depression sufferers go on to live symptom-free or maintain considerable control over their condition. If you feel pharmaceuticals aren’t for you, EMPowerplus Advanced, combined with other healthy lifestyle changes, may be the answer. Learn more about how EMPowerplus Advanced can help.