How constipation can affect EMPowerplus’ effectiveness

Digestive problems and bowel issues can be a source of concern and frustration for Truehope participants. If it’s not cramping and diarrhea, it’s cramping and constipation.

What causes these conditions? There are many factors, including diet, genetics, over-use of laxatives or diarrhea medication, or simply the use of many different types of prescription medications.

Whatever the cause, here are some suggestions to help you cope:

Eat plenty of foods high in dietary fibre, such as whole grains, vegetables, fruit, nuts, and seeds. We have found that flax seeds and flax seed oil work particularly well for constipation.

Eating more foods high in fibre is the key to controlling constipation naturally. Download this informative document for more info on fibre and foods containing fibre.

Avoid the use of laxatives if possible. Over-use of laxatives can weaken the bowel and cause you to become dependent on their use.

As with diarrhea, constipation can also affect the proper absorption of EMPowerplus. Getting your constipation under control will allow EMPowerplus to work at its best.