Category: Success Stories
How EMPowerplus helped these 5 people be better mothers
From time to time, we receive testimonials from our valued participants sharing with us how our products and programs have been making a difference in their lives.
Here are just 5, and they’re all mothers:
I began taking the EMPowerplus . . . and gradually got better and better. It was exciting to me, as I started to really enjoy being a mom for the first time.
To have such a well and healthy child when both parents have a history of mental illness is a rare thing. Vitamins and minerals are small and simple things, but they work. While pregnant, I took EMPowerplus Advanced capsules, Truehope BMD tablets (which also eased morning sickness), and fish oils every day. I am taking full doses while nursing. The micronutrient treatment will then be added to the baby’s soft foods. When keeping to the full dose on a regular basis, there are no signs of postpartum depression.
Bronwyn S.
The quality of life that EMPowerplus has granted my family cannot be adequately expressed in words. I am grateful for my children, but more so, I am grateful that I can care for them and be a healthy,