Truehope EMPowerplus & Surface Area | Maximize Your Health Benefits

Did you know that even the most nutrient-packed supplements can fail you if their minerals aren’t the right size? 

Here’s the reality: most supplements on the market are leaving your body with only a fraction of what you think you’re taking in. 

The culprit? Insufficient surface area for absorption. 

At Truehope, we’ve revolutionized supplementation as you know it. 

Through advanced technologies, we’ve made it possible for your cells to absorb nearly every particle of the minerals in our Truehope EMPowerplus Advanced formula. 

It’s not just science: it’s a life-changing breakthrough for your health. 

The Hidden Problem with Traditional Supplements 

Here’s the inconvenient truth about many supplements you’ll find in supermarkets or health food stores: the minerals they contain are just too large for your body to absorb them effectively. 

Sure, they look impressive on a label, but your body only extracts nutrients from the outer surface of these oversized minerals, leaving the majority flushed out as waste. 

This means for most supplements, only a tiny fraction—think surface dust—makes it to your cells. 

The rest? A missed opportunity to support your health. 

This problem is precisely why surface area is so critical. 



Why Mineral Size Matters in Your Supplements

Did you know that the majority of dietary supplements you take might not actually work for your body? Despite 77% of Americans relying on them, most supplements fail to deliver the nutrients your body needs. 


The answer lies in mineral size and its impact on bioavailability.

The food you eat is no longer as nutrient-rich as it used to be, thanks to modern farming techniques and the dominance of processed foods. 

Add in the pressures of modern life—stress,



Why Independent Research Matters With Nutritional Supplements

As we become more health-conscious, we rely on nutritional supplements to complete the nutrition gaps our bodies may have. With countless brands of supplements available today, it can be challenging to choose which product to trust.

One of the factors that should be considered when purchasing supplements is independent research.

In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of independent research on nutritional supplements and emphasize why it matters to choose products that have been rigorously tested.

Independent Research and Nutritional Supplements

First and foremost,



Why Do Health Supplement Companies Not Want Their Products Studied?

The supplement industry is a billion-dollar industry that is growing day by day. There are literally tens of thousands of nutritional supplements on the market, and thousands more are being added and introduced each year.

However, nutritional supplements are typically not extensively tested and researched before being made available to the general public.

This raises the simple question of why? If you are putting something into your body, you as a consumer should, at a minimum, know that it has been tested for safety and effectiveness.



THE BETTER BRAIN Leads to a Better You

Pharmaceutical Companies Do Not Want You to Read This

Doctors and pharmaceutical companies risk losing an obscene amount of cash if you read and follow THE BETTER BRAIN. Lucky for you, Drs. Bonnie J. Kaplan and Julia J. Rucklidge, leading scientists in the nutrition and mental health arenas, stand tall in their resolve to expose the undeniable link between mental health and nutrition.

Your Struggle Ends Now

When you read THE BETTER BRAIN, you discover how nutrients can treat mental health issues.


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New study has linked ADHD with fatty acids

In May 2019, researchers in Spain published a study in the peer-reviewed journal Brain Sciences, showing a connection between diet and ADHD.



Healthy diet linked to lower odds of depression

In June 2019, researchers in Korea published a study in the peer-reviewed journal Current Developments in Nutrition, showing a connection between diet and depression.



This diet may reduce anxiety, distress & depression

In June 2019, the peer-review journal Nutritional Neuroscience published a study by researchers in Canada and Iran that shows a connection between diet and mental health.



Pro-inflammation diet could raise depression risk by 15%

In June 2019, The Journal of Nutrition published the findings of researchers in France who had investigated any connection between a pro-inflammation diet and depression risk.



This diet may reduce depression and distress

In May 2019, the peer-reviewed journal Journal of Affective Disorders published a study in which researchers from Canada and Iran reported a link between diet and mental health.

